‘After The World Championship I Hardly Had Any Muscle Pain!’ – Margreet Schuttrups
10 August 2020Obstacle Run Athlete Margreet Schuttrups (30) practices a very intensive sport. Physically she must be strong and fit, but this sport also requires a considerable intensive focus, especially mentally. For some time now, Margreet has been using CBD for optimal focus during her efforts. In this interview she explains what CBD means to her.
A Brief Introduction
My name is Margreet Schuttrups, 30 years old and I live in Zwaag, Noord Holland. I started running in April 2014 and half a year later I did my first obstacle run, recreationally and in a group. Soon I started to get serious about this and in November 2016 I joined a survival association. After improving my techniques, I started to participate in official survival run competitions.
How Did You Discover CBD?
One of my friends told me about CBD oil and all its multifunctional effects. In fact, everyone knows someone in his/her environment that uses CBD oil or at least has heard or read something about it. I then got into it and I have chosen a brand that has been proven to have high-quality CBD. Suddenly you can buy CBD everywhere, but the percentage of active substance (the actual CBD) is the thing you should pay attention to. Unfortunately, there are a lot of sellers that have no idea what they are selling. But, at the same time there are also a lot of people who don’t know what they should buy to really be able to benefit from the product.
What SupMedi Products Do You Use And Why?
I use the 12mg CBD Tablets. These are easy to use and to take overseas. The tablets also contain vitamin C, which really helps the absorption of CBD. The CBD supplements make me alert, so I use CBD for optimal focus in competitive events. I take 1 tablet before every competition, which gives me optimal focus on the game. After the competition I take one more tablet and this will help to speed up my recovery.
How Many CBD Supplements Do You Use?
So I use the CBD tablets around competitions and regularly when I have had a rigorous training, I also take a CBD tablet so my body can recover better from that day.
Does Using CBD For Optimal Focus CBD Work Better Than What You Have Used Before?
I didn’t use medication before, but I definitely notice the working of the CBD. For example during the World Championship obstacle running in London, when I had to perform on three consecutive days. On Friday 3km 24 obstacles, on Saturday 15km 100 obstacles and on Sunday team relay. During and after this period I felt that I recovered more rapidly and I hardly had any muscle pain after such a big achievement! So I really noticed a positive difference!
Would You Recommend Using CBD For Optimal Focus To Other Athletes ?
Absolutely! I definitely recommend SupMedi supplements to people who train intensively. Your focus in the competition is better, you recover much faster and the next day(s) you feel a lot less ‘stiff‘. I have qualified for the World Championship Obstacle Run, so the next few months I’m going to train intensively. Also then I will use the CBD supplements of SupMedi!
We hope you enjoyed this interview with Margreet Schuttrups about her experience with the SupMedi CBD Tablets. If you’ve developed interest in our products, here at SupMedi, we have a great variety of products including CBD tablets, CBD oil, CBD Nutrition, and CBD Skincare products.