3 cbd gingerbread men cookies

CBD Christmas Recipe: CBD Gingerbread Men Cookies

As the world faces a Christmas unlike any others, we need all the holiday cheer we can create together. All the more reason to get cracking on a good old family bake-off! In fact, why not bake a few extra to share with a lonely neighbour? And if you have to spend the holidays on your own, creating some fun is extra important. So let’s fill your home with the scent of Christmas and bake us some original CBD Gingerbread Men cookies!

Staying Home For The Holidays? Time To Bake Cookies Together!

The Christmas tree is up; lights go on in homes and gardens, filling the air with that typical holiday buzz. What better way to match that X-mas excitement than donning your kitchen apron over that Christmas jumper and baking some classic Christmas cookies together? This easy recipe instantly sprinkles your home with some of that classic American Christmas magic. For added cheer, adding your own decorative touches will only make your CBD Gingerbread Men cookies look – and taste – better!.

Few things add more joy to your home than the smell of freshly baked cookies… You’ll feel the mood rise around you as you look forward to that first bite. It’s a fact: nothing beats home-made cookies – simply opening a packet from the cupboard won’t even come close. That added layer of fun makes all the difference: just what we need for a Christmas unlike any other…

cbd gingerbread men cookies
Nothing beats homemade!

The Chemistry Of Being Together

Let’s face it. There’s no replacing spending time with the people we love. Missing our loved ones can be heart-breaking; Christmas time only makes the feeling worse. Being around our dear ones even releases a specific hormone into our bloodstream, called oxytocin but fondly referred to as ‘the love hormone’. Well, after almost a year of corona measures limiting our contacts with others, we all seem to be running low on hugs and hormones somehow. If kept unchecked, oxytocin deficits can cause low moods, anxiety, stress, and even depression.

One of the ways to up your oxytocin levels is spending time with other people, especially if there’s good food to be shared. That’s why joining your kids in the kitchen for some cookie-baking action is a great way to connect. Of course, sitting down together to munch on the results works even better. If you’re home alone, finding that connection is harder. However, baking together with friends works like a charm as well. You can even do it online by Zoom, connecting your kitchens no matter how far apart you are. By the way, music is another effective oxytocin booster. So let’s get those Christmas tunes jingling and sing along as we head for the kitchen!

cbd cookie recipe

Recharge Your Batteries With CBD Gingerbread Men Cookies

Simply sharing good times together: these are the little things that can really recharge our inner batteries. Christmas is a time when we need some light in the dark days of midwinter. With your own CBD Gingerbread men cookies, you’ll crank up your oxytocin levels while you treat yourself to an extra tasty dose of CBD Oil. It just might be that little spark you need to find that real Christmas cheer. That’s two boosters for your holiday vibes in a single quick recipe – time to get baking!

Let’s go over the ingredients before we get going on our own CBD gingerbread men cookies.

CBD Gingerbread Men Cookies

Ingredients for 36 cookies

  • 400g flour;
  • 1 tsp baking soda;
  • ¾ tsp cinnamon;
  • ¾ tsp ground ginger;
  • ½ tsp mixed spice (‘pudding spice’);
  • ½ tsp cloves;
  • A pinch of pepper;
  • ½ tsp salt;
  • 120g butter;
  • 1 tbsp CBD Oil
  • 110g brown sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 225g treacle


Before you get to work on your cookies, keep in mind that you’re free to use this recipe as you like it. Use a pin roller to make thin dough if you want crispy, wafer-thin cookies. If you prefer thicker cookies, they’ll end up softer on the inside with less of a crunch. And if you think 36 is a bit much, simply use half of all the ingredients to make 18. Then again: there’s probably someone living down your street who’ll appreciate some of your home-made CBD gingerbread men cookies!

Preheat your oven to 175°C. Prepare two oven trays by lining them with non-stick cookie sheets. Sieve the baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, flour and spices into a bowl. Now, take another bowl and mix the butter and the CBD Oil until you have an even mixture. Add the brown sugar and treacle and aim for a smooth mass. Then add the eggs and mix well.

Now, grab the bowl holding the flour and add the butter and treacle mix. A wooden ladle is perfect for this, although you could use your hands or a blender instead. Go for a firm dough. Once it’s all nice and smooth, split your dough in two even portions. Roll them into balls and wrap them in cling film. Now, the dough has to rest in the refrigerator for three hours. How about sitting down for a game together while you wait?

After three hours, get the dough from the fridge and prepare both halves in turn. Allow it to warm up for about ten minutes for easy handling. Sprinkle your workspace with flour and roll out the dough. Use a cookie cutter to make classic gingerbread men shapes, or use a sharp knife and your imagination for your own Christmas shapes.

cbd gingerbread men cookies

Decorating Your CBD Gingerbread Men Cookies

Spread out the cookies on the oven tray, leaving enough space between them to rise without touching. If you have any leftover bits of dough, simply roll them back together and make more cookies. Now get the other ball of dough and use it to fill the other oven tray.

Bake the cookies for 10 to12 minutes. The edges should be dark brown and crispy. When you’re done, remove the cookies from the oven and allow the tray to cool off. Then place the cookies on a griddle to let them cool down further.

Now is the time to decorate your cookies. You can use ready-made glazing from the supermarket, or make your own using water and powdered sugar. Add details like faces, hair, and buttons to get the original gingerbread men or women we all know. Alternatively, go bananas and use every shred of your creativity to make Christmas cookies unlike any other! If you have any space left in your tree, just wrap your cookies in a ribbon or a piece of string to add your own tasty decorations.

Enjoy baking and eating your CBD Gingerbread Men cookies together! We wish you a happy, healthy and tasty Christmas!

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