How Many Cannabinoids Exist?
10 August 2020Mankind has known the cannabis plant for a long time, and throughout history the cannabinoids from this beneficial plant have meant a lot to us. Yet the real discovery of cannabinoids such as CBD has only started quite recently. Research into active substances in the cannabis plant started in the 1940s. It was questioned whether the substances have medicinal properties. We now know that CBD, for example, can mean a lot to our health because it interacts with the endocannabinoid system of our own body – another recent discovery. New cannabinoids are still being discovered, which may have properties just as useful as CBD. As more and more people are discovering the benefits of CBD and other cannabinoids, it is time to take a look at how many cannabinoids actually exist.
The Discovery Of CBD
In 1940, Roger Adams subtracted the substance CBD from the Cannabis Sativa L. plant. He didn’t exactly know what this new chemical was. Years later, other scientists began to understand that he was the first person that discovered a cannabinoid. In 1946, the first tests on animals were performed and it was discovered that animals didn’t get high from CBD.

The Chemical Composition Of CBD And THC
The research on cannabinoids developed quickly since 1963. A team of researchers in Israel, led by Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, could describe the structure of CBD to the molecule. In 1964 they did the same with THC. They also discovered that these substances have an effect on people through the endocannabinoid system. During the following years, more and more substances where discovered, belonging to the family of the cannabinoids.
21 New Cannabinoids Discovered!
In the last couple of years a big increase is seen in the amount of research into everything there is to know about the cannabis plant. More and more countries remove the illegal status of the cannabis plant. This gives scientists more room for their studies in complete freedom.
We know more and more about the importance of the endocannabinoid system for a healthy life. And we know that the substances that give the plant his scent, named terpenes, can also have a positive effect on our body. Also, scientists keep discovering new cannabinoids. This year alone, researchers have found 21 new cannabinoids. To answer the main question, how many cannabinoids exist: the number is now 132. Surely, if so many people benefit from CBD Tablets and CBD Oil, these new cannabinoids could hold a great promise for the future of natural medicine…