CBD For Pets: Meet Guide Dog Funky
10 September 2020Increasing numbers of people are convinced of the benefits of CBD, or cannabidiol. CBD is a natural compound derived from hemp plants, without the psychoactive components that get you ‘high’. CBD is used by people from all walks of life to treat all kinds of conditions. Applications of CBD range from anxiety disorders, epilepsy, skin problems and stress to difficulty sleeping, chronic pain and a weak immune system. What most people don’t know, however, is that using CBD for pets and other animals can be just as effective as using it for our own well-being. Sometimes, this is demonstrated by very special animals; in this case, we present Funky, guide dog to Lilian.
Funky, Lilian’s Loyal Guide Dog
Funky, a sweet and intelligent labrador guide dog, has been Lilian’s loyal companion since 2014. Being visually impaired, Lilian needs her dog’s assistance in certain situations. Obviously, the bond they shared over the years has grown into close friendship. That made it all the more worrisome to notice how Funky started to show difficulty moving about. When the problem persisted, a veterinarian diagnosed her with a hernia. Invasive surgery followed, implanting a titanium vertebra into her spine to relieve the problem.

Keeping Pain Under Control
After surgery, most of the symptoms disappeared, but part of the problem persisted. Lilian still noticed that Funky was in pain, but she judged her guide dog too young to just flood her with painkillers. Fortunately, she knew that using CBD for animals was an option. She started using CBD oil to keep Funky’s pain under control. It worked pretty well for a while, until the pain appeared to get worse once more. Funky even refused to take the CBD oil she had taken without complaints so far. As it turned out, it has nothing to do with CBD. While she recovered, Funky had contracted mineral deposits on the newly grown bone tissue. The excess tissue compressed a nerve, causing the pain to return with a vengeance.
From Regular Painkillers To CBD For Pets
This complication called for drastic measures. By veterinarian consult, Funky was prescribed regular painkillers for immediate pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties. Unfortunately, the new medication came with immediate side-effects that could harm her kidneys and other vital organs. These side-effects were the very reason why Lilian preferred to rely on the natural effects of CBD, but at this point, she had few other options. Luckily, the intervention worked. As soon as the immediate problem was under control, Funky made the switch back to CBD.
CBD For Pets: 100% Worthwhile
A special, concentrated CBD oil was developed specifically for Funky, designed to provide the effect Funky deserved and the purity that Lilian sought. As you can imagine, dosing CBD oil can be tricky if you can’t see exactly how many drops you use. Lilian tackled the issue by using special chewy dog treats that don’t absorb the oil right away. Funky’s recovery was no walk in the park, that’s for sure. And yet, the quest to find the right treatment was entirely worthwhile. Lilian wasn’t the only one to notice; other dog owners she knew from their regular walks commented on how Funky looked much better since she started taking CBD again.
A Happier Dog
While walking her dog, people who knew Funky remarked on the visible effects of CBD. “People told me how they saw Funky become a happier dog again. My husband had noticed the same thing earlier, but it was good to hear people who know Funky confirm the observation.” Of course, Lilian noticed the positive change as well. “Funky went back to accepting the CBD-covered treats like she used to. In addition, she stopped twitching her leg a while back.” Now, after a difficult period, everything feels good again – for Funky as well as for Lilian. The loyal guide dog has been relieved of her official duties now. Still, she is now free to enjoy a future together with Lilian, heathy and happy in her position of close friend and extra special pet.
The Effects Of CBD For Animals
The fact that CBD can be just as effective for animals as for us humans should not come as big surprise. After all, CBD works by merit of our endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system, which governs a range of physical processes that keep our biology balanced, is found in many more species than just humans. All mammals have an endocannabinoid system, as do birds, fish, reptiles, and even certain invertebrates.
A Healthy Balance With CBD For Pets
As Funky clearly demonstrates, CBD can be just as effective for animals as for humans. That’s great news, because your dog, your cat, or your horse can use a bit of natural support sometimes, just like you and me. CBD for animals is used to treat a dazzling range of symptoms and conditions. It is also used preventively to keep our body, our mind and our immune system in shape. Time and time again, conscious owners like Lilian and brave animals like Funky prove that anyone can benefit from CBD – whether you have four legs or just a regular set of two.